11.sınıf 10.ünite ingilizce kelimeleri ve Vocabulary Test

11.sınıf 10.ünite kelimeleri
11.sınıf 10.ünite ingilizce kelimeleri

11.sınıf 10.ünite ingilizce kelimeleri

Values and Norms temasına ait 11.sınıf 10.ünite ingilizce kelimeleri ve Vocabulary Test sayfasına hoş geldiniz.

11.sınıf 10.ünite kelimeleri 2022-2023

Words Pronunciations Meanings
Acceptance /ıkseptıns/ Kabul, alınma, onama
Adapt /ada:pt/ Uyum sağlamak
Ambition /embişın/ Hırs, heves, ihtiras
Anger /engır/ Sinir, kızgınlık
Annoy /ıno:y/ Sinirini bozmak, rahatsız etmek
Appreciate /ıprışieyt/ Takdir etmek
Arrogant /erıgınt/ Kibirli, küstah
Blissful /blisful/ Keyifli, çok mutlu
Body language /badi lengic/ Beden dili
Chew gum /çiu: gam/ Sakız çiğnemek
Clash /kıleş/ Çatışmak, çatışma
Compassionate /kımpeşinıt/ Şevkatli, merhametli
Conceited /kınsitıd/ Burnu havada, kibirli
Cultural awareness /kalçırıl ıvenıs/ Kültürel duyarlılık
Culture shock (kalçırıl şok/ Kültürel şok
Custom /kastım/ Gelenek, örf, adet
Delicious /delişıs/ Lezzetli, nefis
Disagreement /disıgrimınt/ Anlaşmazlık
Empathy /empıti/ Empati, duygudaşlık
Etiquette /etikıt/ Görgü kuralları
Fascinated /fesineytid/ Büyülenmiş
Foreign /forin/ Yabancı
Frankly /fırenkli/ Dürüstçe, açık söylemek gerekirse
Generosity /cenırısiti/ Cömertlik

11.sınıf 10.ünite Kelimeleri

Words Pronunciations Meanings
Grace /gıreys/ İncelik, zarafet, nezaket
Grown-up 129 (noun) /gırovn ap/ Yetişkin, ergin
Hatred /heytrid/ Nefret, düşmanlık
Honestly /onıstli/ Dürüst olmak gerekirse, açıkcası
Honesty /onısti/ Dürüstlük
Hospitality /hospıtalıti/ Konukseverlik
In the end Sonuçta, sonunda
Intrigued /ɪnˈtriːɡd/ Merakı uyanmış
Joyful /coyfıl/ Sevinçli
Justice /castis/ Adalet
Misunderstand /misandıstend/ Yanlış anlamak
Modest /modıst/ Alçakgönüllü, mütevazi
Narrator /nerreytı/ (hikaye) Anlatıcı
Nasty /na:sti/ Edepsiz, çirkin, nahoş
Norm /no:m/ Kaide, kural, standart
Obsessed /ıbsesd/ Takıntılı, kafayı takmış
Offend /ıfend/ Rencide etmek, incitmek
Pass down /pa:s da:n/ Nesilden nesile geçmek
Policy /polısi:/ Politika
Respect /rispekt/ Saygı göstermek, saygı
Responsibility /risponsibıliti/ Sorumluluk
Rudeness /rudnıs/ Kabalık
Shrink to (75) /şırink tu/ Açıklama aşağıda
Social norms /soşıl no:ms/ Sosyal normalar
Take away /teyk ıvey/ Götürmek, uzaklaştırmak
Tolerance /tolırıns/ Hoşgörü, tolerans
Tradition /tıredişın/ Gelenek
Transfer /tıransfö:/ Aktarmak, nakil
Ultimately /altımıtli/ Eninde sonunda
Value /velyu:/ Değer, değer vermek
Verbal language /vö:bıl lengic/ Sözel dil
Young at heart /yang et hart/ Kendini genç hisseden

Başka bir vocabulary test çözmek için > 9.sınıf 9.ünite kelimeleri bağlantısına tıklayabilirsiniz. Ana menüdeki sınıflar kategorisinden diğer tüm kademe ve ünitelere ait testlere ulaşabilirsiniz.

11.sınıf 10.ünite Vocabulary Test

Test hakkında: Test çalışmadığı taktirde buraya tıklayarak  11.sınıf 10.ünite ingilizce kelimeleri sayfasından yeniden giriş yapın. Sorun düzelecektir.

1. Sometimes, we should accept opinions or behavior you may not agree with. This attitude shows respect for different ideas and preferences. The world is full of diversity, but that is also the power that makes the world priceless and beautiful. On the other hand, lack of _____________ can easily destroy the peace of society. People may begin to use force to turn their own beliefs into dominant norms. To prevent that happen, learning mutual respect is vital at early ages.
What may be the missing moral value in the picture which also completes the blank in the paragraph above?
11.sınıf values and norms vocabulary
11.sınıf 10.ünite
2. Which of the following can not be a characteristic of Social Justice according to the paragraph below? 
Social Justice is a system of equal rights, freedoms, and opportunities for all in society. It also regulates the relationship between individuals and their society in terms of privileges, opportunities, and wealth. I believe that justice for all should be a reality rather than a goal in the world.
3. Moving to Beijing was a real challenge for me in the first couple of months after eleven years of living in London. Actually, it was a total __________ what I had gone through. I had known nothing of the Asian culture by the time I landed in Beijing.

Which of the following phrases can complete the blanket in the paragraph?
4. Social norms are the rules that shape our society and culture. Although they are unwritten rules, they have a binding power over the people. These norms also provide order and predictability in society. People want to be part of a whole. If they don't follow social norms, they can be alienated from society even their own family and friends. Some researchers claim that at the core of the social norms lays our expectations. So, these expectations or norms can change according to the environment and the time in which people's behavior also changes.

Which of the following examples can not be a social norm according to the information given above?
5. Which of the following phrases can complete the definition given below? 
What is onsidered to be 'normal' behavior in a foreign country can be entirely different in your own country.  _________________is to recognize this diversity around the world.
6. Which of the following combinations consists of examples which can not be seen as an example of social etiquette according to the definition given below?Etiquette is shortly the rules that regulate the proper and polite way to behave in society.

Ten Social Etiquette You Should Know!

  1. Respect the others' personal items
  2. Say “please” and “thank you”
  3. Look at the person who Is speaking to you
  4. Sneeze into your elbow
  5. Ask before bringing a guest
  6. Leave the door open when you leave an office.
  7. Knock the door before you enter an office
  8. Don't silence your smartphone at the movies
  9. Turn off your phone and don't talk at the movie theater
10. When you enter a room, greet everyone
7. Which of the following illustrated examples can not represent one of the collocations of custom?
11.sınıf 10.ünite ingilizce kelimeleri
11.sınıf 10.ünite kelimeleri
8. Which of the following terms can complete the blank in the sentence given below?____________ is friendly behavior towards guests, visitors, or strangers. It is actually based on the relationship between a guest and a host.
9. If you are behaving or feeling such as in the examples given below, you may be ____________ someone.
  • Constantly thinking and talking about the person you like
  • Stalking their social media and private life
  • Daydreaming about life together
  • Projecting what you want this person to be
  • Feeling extreme jealousy
  • Feeling the need to “protect” the person you’re in love with
Which of the following phrases may complete the blank in the sentence given above? 
10. Our family traditions has been _____________ from father to son for generations. These are also the values that keep us together and strong.

Which of the following completes the sentence best? 


Author’s advice: To see example sentences for your new words you can use Longman Dictionary.

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