11. sınıf 5.ünite ingilizce kelimeleri ve Vocabulary Test

11. sınıf 5. ünite kelimeleri
Back to the past ünitesi ingilizce kelimeleri

11.sınıf 5.ünite ingilizce kelimeleri

Back to the past temasına ait 11.sınıf 5.ünite ingilizce kelimeleri ve Vocabulary Test sayfasına hoş geldiniz.

11.sınıf 5.ünite kelimeleri 2023-2024

Words Pronunciations Meanings
Apply əˈplaɪ Uygulamak, sürmek
Crack one’s knuckles Parmak çıtlatmak
Cyberbully ˈsaɪbəˌbʊliɪŋ $ Siber Zorba
Cyberlaw saɪbəlɔː Siber Hukuk
Cyberattack saɪbərəˌtæk/ Siber saldırı
Cyberterrorist saɪbəˌterərɪəst Siber terörist
Cybersecurity saɪbəsɪˌkjʊərəti Siber güvenlik
Disturb dɪˈstɜːb Rahatsız etmek
Establish ɪˈstæblɪʃ Kurmak, tesis etmek
Floss fıla:s Diş ipi ile temizlemek,
Interrupt ˌɪntəˈrʌpt Söze karışmak, lafı kesmek
Intend Niyetinde olmak,
Knuckle nakıl Parmak eklemi
Lose heart Cesaretini kaybetmek,
Luggage lagic Bagaj
Memorize meməraɪz Ezberlemek
Regret ˈgret Pişman olmak, pişmanlık
Remembrance ˈmembrəns Anma
Remind ˈmaɪnd Hatırlatmak
Show up Gözükmek, belirmek
Sunscreen Güneş kremi
Take it to heart Kendini üzmek
Turn a deaf ear Duymazdan gelmek
Turn into -e dönüşmek
Work on 1 şey üzerinde çalışmak

11.sınıf 5.ünite Vocabulary Test

1. What is ............(1)............?

It is bullying with the use of digital technologies. It can take place on social media, messaging platforms, gaming platforms, and mobile phones. It is repeated behavior, aimed at scaring, angering, or shaming those who are targeted. Examples include:

  • spreading lies about or posting embarrassing photos or videos of someone on social media
  • sending hurtful, abusive, or threatening messages, images, or videos via messaging platforms
  • impersonating someone and sending mean messages to others on their behalf or through fake accounts.
Face-to-face bullying and .......(2)......... can often happen alongside each other. But ......(3)....... leaves a digital footprint – a record that can prove useful and provide evidence to help stop the abuse.
2. ................... involves using digital platforms, like social media, to harass or intimidate others. It can include sending mean messages, spreading rumors online, or sharing someone's private information without consent. This form of ............... can have serious emotional impacts on the victims. Raising awareness and promoting kindness online are important steps to combat that.
3. A ....................... is a deliberate attempt to damage, disrupt, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems, networks, or digital devices. These attacks can target individuals, businesses, or even governments, compromising sensitive data and causing significant disruptions. Protecting against them involves using strong passwords, updated security software, and being cautious about suspicious emails or links. Awareness and preventive measures are key to safeguarding digital information in an increasingly connected world.
4. .................... means to become discouraged or lose hope in a situation. It can happen when facing repeated challenges or setbacks. However, it's important to stay resilient and keep trying, even when things are tough. Overcoming this feeling often leads to personal growth and eventual success.
5. When someone ............................, they feel deeply affected or hurt by a comment or situation. This reaction often involves taking things personally, even if they are not intended to be hurtful. It's important to understand that not all criticism or feedback is a reflection of one's worth. Learning to distinguish constructive feedback from negativity can help manage emotional responses.
6. ...................... is to learn something so well that you can remember it without looking. Students often learn facts for exams this way. Techniques like repetition and making associations can help with this process. It's a useful skill for both academic and everyday life.
7. ........................ means to stop someone while they are speaking or doing something, often suddenly. It can happen in conversations when one person starts talking before the other is finished. While sometimes necessary, frequent repetitions can be seen as impolite. It's important to listen carefully and wait for the right moment to speak.
8. ................. someone means to interrupt or bother them when they are busy or resting. It can happen when loud noises break the silence in a quiet place, like a library. Being mindful not to do this to others is a sign of respect. Creating a peaceful environment helps everyone to focus or relax better.
9. ............. is the feeling of sadness or disappointment over something that has happened or been done. It often comes from wishing one had made a different choice in the past. Learning from these feelings can help in making better decisions in the future. It's important to find ways to move forward and not dwell on these feelings.
10. ..................... is the act of recalling and honoring past events or people. It plays a significant role in preserving history and traditions. Ceremonies and memorials are common ways societies engage in these events. These practices help keep the memories alive for future generations.


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