9.sınıf 10.ünite ingilizce kelimeleri ve Vocabulary Test

Television and Social media vocabulary
10.sınıf 9.ünite ingilizce kelimeleri

9.sınıf 10.ünite ingilizce kelimeleri

Television and Social Media teması için hazırladığımız 9.sınıf 10.ünite ingilizce kelimeleri 2020-2021 sayfasına hoş geldiniz.

9.sınıf 10.ünite Vocabulary 2020-2021

Words Pronunciations Meanings
Ad(s) /eds/ Reklam(lar)
Addict /edik/ Bağımlı olmak
Addiction /edikşın/ Bağımlılık
Airplane mode /eipıleyn mod/ Uçak modu, sessiz mod
Account /ıkaunt/ Hesap
Addiction /edikşın/ Bağımlılık
App /ep/ Uygulama
Armchair traveller /a:rmçei tırevılır/ Koltuk gezgini
Be all ears /bi ol iırs/ Can kulağı ile dinlemek
Cartoon /ka:tu:n/ Çizgi film
Channel /çeynıl/ Kanal
Chat show /çet şov/ Sohbet programı
Comfy /kamfi/ Rahat, konforlu
Commercial /kımörşıl/ Ticari
Complain /kımpleyn/ Şikayet etmek
Compose /kımpo:z/ Oluşturmak, bestelemek
Connection /kınekşın/ Bağlantı
Cookery programme /kukıri progrem/ Yemek programı
Delete /dileyt/ Silmek
Digital footprint
/dicitıl futprint/ dijital ayak izi
Documentary /dokyumentıri/ Belgesel
Download /daunloud/ İndirmek
Episode /episod/ dizi bölümü (tv)e
Exhausted /igzostıd/ Yorgun
Fed up with /fed ap vit/ Bıkmak, usanmak
Find out /faynd aut/ Ortaya çıkarmak, anlamak
Filter /filtı/ Süzmek, süzgeç
Get rid of /get rid ov/ Kurtulmak, başından atmak
Humour /hiumı:/ Mizah
Icon /aykon/ Simge, ikon
Keep in touch /kip in taç/ İletişimi kesmemek
Loudspeaker /laudsıpikır/ Hoparlör
Nonsense /nansıns/ Saçmalık, safsata

9.sınıf ingilizce 10.ünite kelimeleri

Words Pronunciations Meanings
Quiz show /kuviz şov/ Bilgi yarışması
Reach for /riç for/ Uzanmak (almak için)
Reality show /riyaliti şov/ Açıklama aşağıda
Remote control /rimot kıntrol/ Uzaktan kumanda
Request /rikvuest/ İstek, talep
Rubbish /rabiş/ Çöp, zırva, palavra
Search for /sörç for/ Aramak
Send /send/ Göndermek
Settings setings Ayarlar
Share /şeyir/ Paylaşmak
Sports programme /spots progrem/ Spor programı
Switch /siviç/ Değiştirmek, geçmek
Talent show /telınt şov/ Yetenek yarışması
Talented /telentıd/ Yetenekli
Tap (v) /tep/ Hafifçe vurmak
Text message /tekst mesic/ Yazılı mesaj
Throw away /tırov ıvey/ Atmak
Tiring /tayring/ Yorucu
Travel programme /tırevıl progrem/ Seyahat programı
Trendy /tirendi/ Moda
Turn on /törn on/ Açmak (tv, radio)
TV guide /tivi gayd/ Tv rehberi
TV series /tivi siıriyız/ Televizyon dizisi
Zap /ze:p/ Kanal değiştirmek

9.sınıf 10.ünite ingilizce sunumları

9.sınıf 10.ünite Vocabulary Test

Test hakkında: Test çalışmadığı taktirde buraya tıklayarak  9.sınıf 10.ünite ingilizce kelimeleri sayfasından yeniden giriş yapın. Sorun düzelecektir.

1. The settings screen is a special place in a system. You can control all the features of a device on the settings tab. For example; if you want your friends to see where you are, you can open and change your location switch on the settings screen. You can also switch to airplane mode by changing the settings when you need to disable all connections. GPS is a system that shows your position on Earth. If you want to provide information about a place, you need to turn on your GPS so your friends easily can find it. Download is an electronic action. If you download something, you transfer an amount of electronic data from one device to another. Airplane mode is an option for mobile devices. If you switch your phone to airplane mode, you disable all the cellular and Wi-Fi networks. It is also called flight mode. When you enable it, you can't call and send messages. Don't forget that it is not possible to share your location in this mode as you will not have a GPS connection anymore.

Which one do you need to turn on if you want people to know on social media where you are according to the paragraph given above?

Television and social media vocabulary
2. There is a live broadcast from Niagara Falls Marathon in the picture below. Which TV programs can be matched best with this picture?

9.sınıf 10.ünite kelimeleri
Television and social media kelimeleri
3. It is a television program. People try to answer the questions to win usually a reward or money. It is also known as game show. The name of the first known example of the game show on television history is Spelling Bee. It was only 15 minutes show. The aim of the show was to help and motive the students to learn the correct spelling.

Which of the following is the synonym of the definition in the paragraph given above?
4. The term is usually used for radio, television, and online shows. It is the smallest unit of the whole narration. They can last 20 to 100 minutes in length. Each part can be a continuation of the earlier series or sometimes have a completely different narration around the same context. They are usually weekly but sometimes can be daily or

Which of the following terms is about the definition given above?
5. Ads are vital for television and other social channels since they support them financially. That's why I usually respect them. You can't watch the TV series and your other favorite shows you are looking forward to seeing if they don't support them. But sometimes, I am really fed up with them as they seem too much.

This is one of those moments when they become annoying again. Look at the picture and try to figure out what I am doing in the picture given below.

9.sınıf 10.ünite kelimeleri-switch-to-different-channel
9.sınıf 10.ünite vocabulary
6. Social media connects people and removes the boundaries around the globe. Now, we have countless chances to meet new people at the click of a button at a speed we can't normally. You can _______________ with your family members and your friends via social media when they are away.

Which of the following phrases complete the sentence best?

9.sınıf ingilizce 10.ünite kelimeleri
9.sınıf 10.ünite vocabulary test
7. Would you like to enjoy a city tour without leaving the comfort of your own home? I know It sounds impossible. But some people make it possible and enjoyable for themselves with the ideas I will share below. These people are called  _______________.
  • Read travel books and blogs,
  • Watch travel-inspired movies and TV shows,
  • Cook different meals from your favorite destinations
  • Create travel slides
  • Take the virtual tours
Try to guess which phrase completes the blank best in the blog post given above.
8. Which of the following terms is not about television?

Television and social media ingilizce kelimeleri
9.sınıf 10.ünite ingilizce kelimeleri
9. If you have another plan, we're _________. Just tell us about the realistic possibilities and how will happen. We are waiting for your suggestion.

Which of the following can complete the sentence above?
10. Which of the following terms is not about social media?


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