Asyndeton nedir? Asyndeton örnekleri ve açıklaması

asyndeton nedir
asyndeton nedir

Asyndeton nedir?

Asyndeton nedir? Asyndeton ne demek? Asyndeton örnekleri ve açıklaması. İngilizce edebi terimler sözlüğüne hoş geldiniz.

Asyndeton nedir?

Asyndeton terim anlamı:

Asyndeton is a literary scheme in which one or several conjunctions are deliberately omitted from a series of related clauses.

Asyndeton sözlük anlamı:

Asyndeton, Türkçe’ de bağlaç kullanmama, bağlaç dışlılık anlamlarına gelebilmektedir.


Asyndeton , kullanım şekli olarak genelde iki kategoride karşımıza çıkmaktadır.


Örneğin: “These griefs, these woes, these sorrows make me old.” Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet


I have done. You have heard me. The facts are before you. I ask for your judgement.”, Aristotle

Asyndeton nedir?

1. For the omission of conjunctions “and”

Aristotle,  Rhetoric’ de bu kullanımla ilgili günlük konuşma dilindeki kullanımının yazılı dile göre daha etkin olduğunu açıklamıştır. Yazılı dilde ilgisiz sözcüklerin ardı ardına sıralanması, sözcük ve deyimlerin tekrarı gibi kullanımlar oldukça katı kurallarla sınırlanırken, günlük konuşma dilinde  konuşmacılar bu yapıları özgürce istedikleri gibi kullanabilmektedir. Konuşmacıların bu kuralları ortadan kaldırmalarının sebebi  “dramatic effect” dediğimiz etkiyi kullanarak söylemlerindeki gücü artırmaktır.


‘This is the villain among you who deceived youwho cheated youwho meant to betray you completely“. Aristotle, Rhetoric, Book III, Chapter 12

2. For the omission of conjunction “or”

Dikkat! Syndeton ve asyndeton bir birinin zıttı olduğunu unutmayalım. Syndeton kullanımında fazladan bağlaç kullanılırken asyndeton kullanımında is normalde kullanılması gereken bağlaçların cümleden düşmesi durumu söz konusudur.

Asyndeton nedir?

“He eats and sleeps and drinks” örneğimiz bir syndeton kullanımı iken, bu bağlaçları çıkardığımızda elde edeceğimiz yeni cümlemiz ise “He eats, sleeps, drinks.” bir asyndeton kullanımına örnek olacaktır

Examples of Asyndeton

here are several examples of asyndeton from various sources in literature:

  1. From Virginia Woolf’s “To the Lighthouse”: “She could see it all so clearly, so commandingly, when she looked: it was when she took her brush in hand that the whole thing changed.”
  2. From Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road”: “Ashes, ashes everywhere and the sky grey and the sun ashen and no sign of life.”
  3. From Ernest Hemingway’s “After the Storm”: “I said that I did not believe anyone was alive, was not hurt, was not in danger of dying.”
  4. From Albert Camus’ “The Stranger” (translated into English): “Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday, I don’t know.”
  5. From James Joyce’s “Ulysses”: “He turned away from the window, sat down, wrote, tore up, wrote again.”

Asyndeton vs Polysyndeton

Asyndeton and polysyndeton are both literary devices that deal with the use of conjunctions in writing, but they do so in opposite ways.

Asyndeton is the deliberate omission of conjunctions between phrases, clauses, or words. This can create a fast-paced and concise effect. It often adds urgency or intensity to a sentence. For instance, in Julius Caesar’s speech in Shakespeare’s play, “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears,” the lack of conjunctions between the terms ‘friends,’ ‘Romans,’ and ‘countrymen’ speeds up the pace and creates a sense of direct address to different groups without a pause, making the appeal more immediate and powerful.

Polysyndeton, on the other hand, is the deliberate use of multiple conjunctions between clauses where they aren’t necessarily needed. This can give the text a feeling of complexity and can make the list of items or actions feel longer or more significant. For example, In a descriptive passage, an author might write, “The room was filled with chairs and tables and lamps and rugs and pictures,” to deliberately slow down the rhythm. This use of ‘and’ between each item creates an overwhelming sense of cluttered space, suggesting abundance or excess.

In summary, asyndeton speeds up a sentence and gives it a sense of urgency or simplicity, while polysyndeton slows down the pace and adds a sense of multiplicity or grandeur.

Asyndeton exam questions

Here are eight exam questions about asyndeton for English literature students:

  1. Identification Question: “Identify an example of asyndeton in the novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ and explain its effect on the narrative.”
  2. Purpose and Effect: “What is the purpose of using asyndeton in poetry, and how does it affect the reader’s interpretation of a poem?”
  3. Comparative Question: “Compare a sentence using asyndeton with its counterpart that includes conjunctions. How does the omission change the impact of the sentence?”
  4. Analytical Question: “Analyze the effect of asyndeton in Hemingway’s prose. How does it contribute to the overall ‘Iceberg Theory’ or ‘Theory of Omission’?”
  5. Contextual Question: “Discuss how asyndeton might reflect a character’s emotional state or the urgency of a situation in a drama or a play.”
  6. Creative Writing Prompt: “Write a descriptive paragraph about a storm using asyndeton to enhance the intensity and chaos of the scene.”
  7. Literary Style Question: “How does Asyndeton contribute to the minimalist style of writing? Provide examples from a text that illustrate this.”
  8. Function in Speeches: “Examine a speech from a Shakespearean play that employs asyndeton. What function does it serve in the context of the character’s dialogue?”

These questions are aimed at understanding Asyndeton’s role in literature and its effect on style, pacing, and reader engagement, as well as testing students’ ability to identify and employ this literary device in their own writing.

Asyndeton mini quiz

1. Whıch of the followıng statements ıs not true about asyndeton?
2. What ıs the best defınıtıon of asyndeton?


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