Imperatives Konu Anlatımı ve PDF Egzersizleri
İngilizce emir cümleleri (imperatives) cümleleri nasıl kurulur? Imperatives konu anlatımı. Imperatives çeşitleri nelerdir?Imperative pdf egzersizleri. Örnek imperatives cümleleri ve online imperatives quiz. Edebiyatta imperatives örnekleri.
Imperatives Nedir?
Imperatives; emir, uyarı, teklif ya da direk talimat veren cümle çeşitlerine denir. İngilizce emir cümlelerinde the subject “you” her ne kadar pek kullanılmasa da hitap edilen kişi çoğunlukla “you” öznesidir. Özelikle birisinin bir şeyler yapmasını ( ya da yapmamasını) istediğimizde kullanırız. Ayrıca imperatives cümlelerde her zaman fiilin yalın hali kullanılır. Şimdi aşağıdaki örnekleri inceleyelim.
- “Stop talking.” It implies you must stop…
- “Clean your room.” It implies you must clean…
- “Listen carefully.” It implies you must listen…
- “Give me your number.” It implies you must give…
Imperative konusu için hazırladığımız testi aşağıdaki bağlantıdan indirebilirsiniz. Sayfa sonunda online çözülebilir bir imperative testimiz daha bulunmaktadır.
Imperatives Konu Anlatımı
Imperatives: A Verb or Sentence?
Devam etmeden önce tanımlama farklarından doğabilecek olan bir soruyu yanıtlayalım.
Imperatives are a bit of both:
The Imperative Verb: Imperative sentence oluşabilmesi için “sit”, “listen”, and “give”gibi bir yalın halde kullanılacak her zaman bir fiile ihtiyaç duyarız. Burada kullanacağımız “verb” “imperative verb” olarak bilinir.
The Imperative Sentence: Burda kullanılan “verb” cümle içerisinde “you” öznesi direk olarak belirtilmemiş ise de yine de tam imperative sentence oluşturmaktadır.
Örnekleri inceleyelim;
- “Stop!” – Buradaki verb “stop” bir imperative verb olup kendi başına bir full imperative sentence oluşturur.
- “You stop!” – Burdaki özne”you” vurgu amacıyla eklenmiş olup, cümlenin yapısını değiştirmemektedir.
Why it can be confusing: Often, we simply refer to sentences like “Sit down” as “imperatives” rather than getting overly technical about the specific part of speech. However, when discussing grammar elements, it’s crucial to recognize the imperative verb within the broader sentence structure.
– Imperatives Konu Anlatımı –
Imperatives Kullanımı
- Giving Instructions/directions: Imperatives are often used to give direct instructions.
- “Turn left at the next street.
- Turn off the lights when you leave the room
- Cross the bridge, and you’ll see the museum on your right.
- Offering Invitations: They can also be polite offers or invitations.
- Join us for dinner tomorrow night.
- Come over for a movie night on Friday.
- Come in and have a seat.
- Making Requests: When paired with “please,” imperatives can soften the command to a request.
- Please pass the salt.
- Could you please lower the volume?
- Could you help me carry these boxes upstairs, please?
- Giving Warnings or Prohibitions: Imperatives can serve to warn someone or prohibit an action.
- Don’t forget your keys.
- Watch out!
- Don’t swim in the lake after dark.
- Sharing Suggestions or Advice: They can suggest actions or offer advice.
- Take an umbrella; it might rain.
- Beware of the dog in the front yard.
- Consider taking a break if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
- Encouraging Actions:
- Try the chocolate cake; it’s delicious.
- Keep practicing every day; you’re getting better!”
- Take a deep breath and relax.
7. Wish ile imperatives kullanım: Normalde imperatives emir cümleleri için kullanılıyor olsa da “wish” anlamı için kalıplaşmış bir kaç kullanımı vardır.
- Have a wonderful day!
- May your dreams come true!
- Find peace and joy in your new home!
- Have a great birthday!
- Enjoy your vacation!
Imperatives Çeşitleri Nelerdir
- Polite Commands
- Adding “Please”: The most common way to make a command less direct and more polite.
- Example: “Please turn off the lights.”
- Forming Questions: This turns a command into a request but with an expectation of action.
- Example: “Would you mind closing the window?”
2. Negative Imperatives
- “Don’t” + Verb: Forms clear negative commands and prohibitions.
- Don’t run in the hallway.
- Don’t touch the hot stove!
- Don’t interrupt me when I’m speaking.
- Less Common (But Valid): Using “never”, often for dramatic emphasis.
- Never forget what they did to you.
3. Suggestive Imperatives (The “Let’s…” Form)
- Implies Inclusion: The speaker includes themselves in the command, turning it into a suggestion.
- Example: “Let’s go to the park.”
- Can Be Open-Ended: Doesn’t always suggest the speaker will necessarily carry out the action themselves.
- Example: “Let’s clean this mess up!” (Said more as a call to action)
Subject ile imperatives kullanımı:
Imperatives cümleler genelde özne almaz. Bununla beraber, çok genel bir kullanım olmasa da bazen vurgu ya da stylistic bir sebeple birisine ya da bir gruba hitap ederken imperatives cümlemize bir “subject” ekleyebiliriz.
- “You try and finish the report by tomorrow.”
- “Everybody listen up!”
- “You all stay back.”
- “Someone help me with this, please.”
- “Nobody move!”
Using Imperatives in Literature
Source: Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice
Context: This exchange occurs between Elizabeth Bennet (smart, spirited protagonist) and the snobbish Mr. Darcy, earlier in the book when they dislike each other:
Mr. Darcy: “Do not you feel a great inclination, Miss Bennet, to seize such an opportunity of dancing a reel?”
Elizabeth: ” Not at all. You insult me by supposing I could be so easily persuaded.”
Mr. Darcy: “I meant to be uncommonly clever in seizing the opportunity of your having no partner.”
Analyzing Imperatives
- Hidden Commands: Mr. Darcy’s initial line isn’t a blatant imperative BUT carries an implied sense of ‘you should.’
- Elizabeth’s Defiance: She counters with “not at all,” subtly defying expectation, then with the direct “you insult me” as an accusation.
- The Power Game: Their speech, even using imperatives, is also about class and personality clashes occurring beneath the surface of politeness.
Imperatives Quiz