Reported Speech konu anlatımı

direct and indirect statements
Reported speech- That clauses

Reported Speech- Dolaylı Anlatım

Reported speech nedir? Direct ve indirect speech örnekleri. Reported speech konu anlatımı dersimize hoş geldiniz.

Reported Speech nedir?

Bir kişiden duyduğumuzu başka bir kişiye aktarırken kullandığımız aktarım biçimine reported speech ya da indirect speech denir. Bu bilgi aktarımı direk olarak yapıldığında Direct Speech adını, dolaylı olarak yapıldığında ise Indirect speech adını alır. Aşağıdaki direct speech ve indirect speech örneklerini inceleyelim.

  • Direct speech: ‘I love Spider-Man movies,’ he said.
    Indirect speech: He said (that) he loved Spider-Man movies
  • Direct speech: ‘I worked as a reporter before becoming a politician,’ he said.
    Indirect speech: He said (that) he’d worked as a reporter before becoming a politician.

Tenses in Reported Speech

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Present Simple         >>> Simple Past
  • (He said,) “I live in Sydney”
  • He said (that) he lived in Sydney.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Present Continuous  >>> Past Continuous
  • “I ‘m buying the tickets for the plane.”
  • She said (that) she was buying tickets for the plane.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Present Perfect      >>> Past Perfect
  • “I have been to Washington
  • He said (that) he had been to Washington.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Pas Simple     >>> Past Simple or Past Perfect
  • “We passed the examination last summer.”
  • They said that they passed/had passed the examination last summer.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Past Continuous   >>> Past Continuous/Past Perfect Continuous
  • “I was sleeping in the theatre”
  • She said (that) she was sleeping in the theatre.
  • She said (that) she had been sleeping in the theatre.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Will     >>> Would
  • “I will study law”
  • He said (that) he would study law.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Can     >>> Could
  • “I can join new NFT communities in Discord.”
  • She said (that) she could join new NFT communities in Discord.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
May     >>> Might
  • “I may connect to Metamask to transfer Bitcoin.”
  • He said (that) he might connect to Metamask to transfer Bitcoin.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Must     >>> Had to
  • “I must call him tonight.”
  • She said (that) she had to call him that night.

Say and Tell in reported speech

  • say + no personal object. He said (that) he went to Fethiye in the summer.
  • say + to + personal object He said to me (that) he went to Fethiye in the summer.
  • tell + personal object. He told me (that) he went to Fethiye in the summer.

Time and Place in Reported Speech

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Ago previously / before
Now then, at that time
Today that day, on Sunday, yesterday
Tonight that night, last night, on Sunday night
Tomorrow the next day/ the following day
Yesterday the day before/ the previous day,
Last night the night before/ the previous night,
This week that week, last week
Last month the month before/ the previous month,
Next year the following year,
Two minutes ago two minutes before
In one hour one hour later
Here there, in Starbucks
This that
These those
  • “I helped him today”, she said. She said that she had helped him that day.
  • “I called him yesterday”, she said. She said that she had called him the day before.
  • “I’ll visit them tomorrow”, he said He said that he would visit them the next day.
  • “I have an exam next week”, she said. She said that she had an exam the following week
  • “I was in New York last week”, he told us. He told us that he had been in New York the previous week.
  • “I found the dog a week ago,” he said. He said he had found the dog a week before.
  • “I’m selling my car this week”, she said. She said she was selling her car that week.
  • He said, “They live here”. He told me they lived there.

Reported Questions

We usually form the reported questions with the verb “ask” as given below.

  • He asked (me) if/whether… (YES/NO questions)
  • He asked (me) why/when/where/what/how… (question-word questions)

Let’s check the examples:

  • She said, “Do you like coffee?” (Direct question)
  • She asked if/whether  I liked coffee. (Reported question)
  • He said, “Where do you live?”
  • He asked me Where I lived.

Reported Requests

If someone asks you to do something, you can use reported request structure.

Direct Request Reported Request
Please help me. He asked me to help him.
Please don’t speak here. She asked me not to speak there.
Could you finish tonight? She asked me to finish that night.
Could you pass the salt, please? She asked me to pass the salt.
Would you mind coming late tomorrow? She asked me to come late the next day.
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