8.Sınıf 1.Dönem 1.Listening ve Speaking Sınavı 2024-2025

8.sınıf ingilizce dinleme ve konuşma sınavı

8.Sınıf 1.Dönem 1.Listening ve Speaking Sınavı 2024-2025

Ortaokul 8.sınıf 1.dönem 1.listening ve speaking sınavı ve cevap anahtarları indirme sayfasına hoş geldiniz.

8.sınıf 1.dönem 1.listening sınavı

8.sınıf 1.dönem 1. dinleme sınavındaki sorular; “E8.1.L1. Students will be able to understand the specific information in short conversations on everyday topics, such as accepting and refusing an offer/invitation, apologizing and making simple İnquiries.”  kazanımı için hazırlanmıştır.

  1. Listen to the conversation between Anna, John, and Lucy and answer the questions in your paper. (5X20=100P)

Anna: Hey John! There’s a new ice cream shop opening downtown this Saturday. Would you like to come and try some ice cream with me?

John: That sounds great, Anna! Unfortunately, I have to apologize because I can’t join you. I already promised my dad I’d help him with gardening all weekend.

Anna: No worries, John. It’s important to help the family. What are you planting?

John: Thanks for understanding! We’re planting some new flowers and a few vegetable plants.

Lucy: Hey, I overheard you talking about ice cream. What time are you planning to go, Anna?

Anna: I’m thinking of going around 3 PM. Would you like to come along?

Lucy: Yes, I’d love to! Thanks for the invite. It’ll be fun to try some new flavors together!

Anna: Awesome, Lucy! I’m glad you can make it. Let’s meet outside the shop.

  1. Why can’t John go to the ice cream shop with Anna?
  2. What does Anna ask John about?
  3. What time does Anna plan to go to the ice cream shop?
  4. Who accepts Anna’s invitation to the ice cream shop?
  5. Where do Anna and Lucy plan to meet?

8.Sınıf 1.Dönem 1.Listening sınavı cevap anahtarı:

  1. John can’t go because he promised to help his dad with gardening.
  2. Anna asks John what they are planting.
  3. Anna plans to go at 3 PM.
  4. Lucy accepts Anna’s invitation.
  5. They, plan to meet outside the ice cream shop.

8.sınıf 1.dönem 1.speaking sınavı soruları

Bu speaking sınavındaki sorular; “E8.1.SP1. Students will be able to structure a talk to make simple inquiries, give explanations and reasons” ve “E8.2.SP1. Students will be able to express what they prefer, like and dislike”kazanımları için hazırlanmıştır.

  1. What is your favorite food and why do you like it?
  2. Do you prefer summer or winter? Tell me why.
  3. What hobbies do you have and why do you enjoy them?
  4. Which subject do you like the most at school and why?
  5. What do you dislike eating and why?
  6. Do you like watching movies or reading books? What’s your reason?
  7. What is your favorite animal and why do you like it?
  8. Why do you prefer playing sports to watching them?
  9. What do you like to do on weekends and why?
  10. What type of music do you dislike and why?

8.sınıf 1.dönem 1.konuşma sınavı örnek cevaplar

  1. My favorite food is pizza because it tastes good
  2. I prefer summer because I can go to the beach.”
  3. I like drawing because it is fun and I can be creative.
  4. I like math the most because I enjoy solving problems
  5. I dislike broccoli because it tastes bitter to me.
  6. I like watching movies more than reading because they are more exciting.
  7. My favorite animal is a dog because it is friendly and loyal.
  8. I prefer playing sports because it keeps me active and healthy.
  9. On weekends, I like to play soccer with my friends because it’s fun and I get to spend time with them
  10. I dislike loud rock music because it gives me a headache.
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Ulvi Teacher
Ulvi Teacher
3 ay önce

Bizim çocukların seviyesinin üstünde maalesef 🙁

Arzu dulger
Arzu dulger
3 ay önce

8.sınıf yazililarini inceledim , emeginize saglik hocam , diyalog seklinde ki listening sınavi anlasilir ve uygulanabilir olmus tesekkurler

2 ay önce

Hocam çok güzel ben bir öğretmenim ve 1.dönem 2.yazılı lisining sınavı internet konusuda olmasına ve acil bir şekilde yapılmasına isterim 29aralıkta hazırlarsanız çok ama çok sevinirim