Anthropomorphism nedir?
Anthropomorphism nedir? Edebiyatta ve mitolojide anthropomorphism örnekleri. Fables ve fairy tales ile modern edebiyat örnekleri.
Anthropomorphism nedir?
Anthropomorphism terim anlamı:
Anthropomorphism; davranış, tutum, niyet gibi insansı özelliklerin insan olmayan varlıklara aktarılması anlamına gelir.
Anthropomorphism sözlük anlamı:
Anthropomorphism Longman’ a göre; cansız varlıklar ve hayvanların da insanların sahip olduğu duygulara ve özelliklere sahip olabileceği inancına verilen isimdir – insan biçimcilik ya da antropomorfizm (in Longman: the belief that animals or objects have the same feelings and qualities as humans)
Anthropomorphism Tür ve örnekleri
Carnegie Mellon University‘ den Carl DiSalvo, Francine Gemperle ve Jodi Forlizzi’ e göre Anthroporphisim dört farklı türe ayrılabilir. Buna göre;
1-Structural Anthropomorphic Form:
Structural anthropomorphic form imitates physically the structure of the human body The elements that mimic the appearance or functioning of the human body is evidence of structural anthropomorphic form. It draws from knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.
2-Gestural Anthropomorphic Form:
The second anthropomorphic form is gestural anthropomorphic form. It imitates how the people communicate with each other through the gestures These mimics suggest specific human actions which reflect a meaning or intention. It mimics the non-verbal human communication.
3- Anthropomorphic Form of Character
The anthropomorphic form of character imitates the traits, roles, or functions of people. It also emphasizes the purpose of individual action. The display of qualities or habits that define and describe individuals is evidence of the anthropomorphic form of character. It draws from knowledge of societal conventions and contexts and reflects the practices people engage in.
4- Aware Anthropomorphic Form:
Our last anthropomorphic form is aware of anthropomorphic form. Aware anthropomorphic form imitates the human capacity for thought, intentionality, or inquiry. It also recognizes the social qualities of being human. However, unlike the anthropomorphic form of character, which privileges the individual in society, an aware anthropomorphic form emphasizes the common nature of being human. Forms that suggest they possess a knowledge of the self in relation to others, the ability to construct or manipulate abstract ideas, or the ability to actively participate with others are evidence of an aware anthropomorphic form.
Anthropomorphism kullanımı
- Anthropomorphism and personification although they seem to be the same, actually are not the same. In anthropomorphism, the object or animal is acting like human, on the other hand in personification, the object or animal just seems like it’s doing something human.
- Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities. It is considered to be an innate tendency of human psychology.
- Personification is the related attribution of human form and characteristics to abstract concepts such as nations, emotions, and natural forces, such as seasons and weather.
- Both have ancient roots as storytelling and artistic devices, and most cultures have traditional fables with anthropomorphized animals as characters. People have also routinely attributed human emotions and behavioral traits to wild as well as domesticated animals.
- In mythology, anthropomorphism is the perception of a divine being or beings in human form or the recognition of human qualities in these beings.
İngiliz edebiyatı terimler sözlüğüne geri dön>
- “Imitating the Human Form: Four Kinds of Anthropomorphic Form”
Carl DiSalvo Francine Gemperle, Jodi Forlizzi ( see the article in Carnegie Mellon University) - Wikipedia