Invictus and Goodbye Bafana

Invictus Movie Analysis and Goodbye Bafana

Invictus Movie Analysis and Goodbye Bafana

Invictus Movie Analysis and Goodbye Bafana. Nowadays I think in order to plumb the realities behind the scene when we look at Africa it will always be wise to remember George Orwell’s conviction in his this humble proclamation: “It strangely seems justice can never prevail in this continent and in the foreseeable future or horizon because I personally see no prospect as people do not change the things can never.” But this speech in fact carries also a great national confession on failures in Africa colonies and points out all possible political and sociological implications. And today’s disturbances and each elaborate stir -I opted “elaborate” because it would be naive to think there could be any stir not caused by design – apparently as it seemed in these movies go on in this same manner with one-sided accounts via the media forces in a different dimension. Now let’s review our movies.

Invictus and Goodbye Bafana
Invictus and Goodbye Bafana

Invictus Movie Analysis and Apartheid

“In the age of the tank and the bombing plane, backward agricultural countries like India and the African colonies can no more be independent than can a cat or a dog.”1Cited from Horizon, December 1940. England Your England, George Orwell  1940

Invictus Movie Analysis
Invictus Movie Analysis

Goodbye Bafana starts with a setting in South Africa in 1968. In the early minutes, we face one of the starkest and brutal realities of the country.

The first striking moment comes on the scene between Mrs. Gregory and her child. We are learning Anglo –Saxon definitions of Criminal and Terrorist and we are discriminating Criminals from Terrorists by trying to subdue our feelings as much as we can in the face of this nonsense. Mrs. Gregory clarifies the differences by answering her children’s questions saying that “black people can not be carried on the same ship with white prisoners because they are not criminal, they are terrorist, they are savages, they are naked, they are black..!” of course needless to say I could not find yet from which dictionary she drew these definitions.

Goodbye Bafana movie analysis
Goodbye Bafana movie analysis

Goodbye Bafana Movie Analysis

When Mr. Gregory had had a promotion to censorship at Robben island we are beginning to witness a change via Mr. Gregory on political order and increasing tension in the country by the years passed meanwhile simultaneously Nelson Mandela’s strict prison conditions changes positively. Throughout the movie, there is no scene that is centered outside because the focus point of the movie is the dogged determination Nelson Mandela performed behind the enclosures.

Invictus Movie Analysis and Goodbye Bafana
Invictus Movie Analysis and Goodbye Bafana

This tenacious stance does never lose its sustainability. Many times during his prison years, he is being offered pact but he never accepts as he finds them expedient not a real solution. He says in the movie “ I am waiting for anyone to come to talk about peace but they are only interested in power”

Maybe it is for this reason he was held inside so long for this anti-submissive.

This stance in fact manifests itself in the second movie with the poem “Invictus”

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

by William Ernest Henley

Invictus Movie Analysis

This poem openly proves how he is imposed to the implicit treats during his prisoner years. Especially the scene the Rugby teams visited his prison hints many details.  When Mr. Pienaar entered his prison cell we are hearing the poem with Nelson Mandela’s voice. I think this scene is filmed in a way that can be opened to analysis at a two- dimensional angle. One of them, of course, the inspirational spirit for the team and country that says we are the only one who can put the limits the capacity of what we can do,  identify the boundaries who we are, and determine what we will have.  But another message is that he was offered to compromise his principles and one-sided reconciliation. When we analyzed the poem, therefore, in fact, we also analyzing human rights abuses that is acted by the Apartheid regime.

    When Nelson Mandela won the presidential election he does not only end up Apartheid regime but also brings a new life-spring to the country in which a new social order will be able to spring out. Because he is completely aware of all possible counter-attacks which may be intended to prove the black fiasco on governing the country.  In the movie, he is rationalizing and justifying perfectly the reasons in his acts. When he enters the presidential compound he does not change anything and in his office confides that country needs all citizens, black and white and significantly even half of his bodyguards are appointed white to prove the trust between the races in front of all country.

The movie also shows us to which extent a sporting game can be influential upon a nation with its unifying power and a leader not only of a team but all country can utilize this power for the betterment of his people.

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid
Nelson Mandela presents the trophy to the South African captain


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