9.Sınıf 2.Dönem 1.Listening – Speaking Sınavı

9.sınıf ingilizce dinleme sınavı ve cevap anahtarı
9.sınıf 2.dönem 1.listening ve speaking sınavı

9.Sınıf 2.Dönem 1.Listening – Speaking Sınavı 2023-2024

Lise 9.sınıf 2.dönem 1.listening ve speaking sınavı ve cevap anahtarları indirme sayfasına hoş geldiniz.

9.Sınıf 2.Dönem 1.Listening (Dinleme) sınavı

Bu listening sınavındaki sorular; Bridging Cultures temasına ait “E9.6.L1.Students will be able to detect specific information in public announcements at the airport.” kazanımı için hazırlanmıştır.

  1. Answer the questions in your paper according to the announcement you will listen to now. (5X5=25P)

Attention all passengers: Flight A123 to Rome is now boarding at Gate 5. Passengers with small children or those who need extra help can start boarding. Please have your boarding pass and passport ready for inspection. The gate will close 20 minutes before the flight’s departure at 3:30 PM. This is the final call for passenger Elena Rossi, please proceed to Gate 5 immediately. Thank you for choosing Skyways Airlines. We wish you a pleasant journey

  1. What is the flight number for the flight to Rome?
  2. At which gate is the flight to Rome boarding?
  3. Who is allowed to start boarding the flight to Rome first?
  4. What time will the gate close for the flight to Rome?
  5. What is the name of the passenger who is being called for the final boarding?

9.Sınıf 2.Dönem 1.Listening sınavı cevap anahtarı:

  1. The flight number is A123.
  2. The flight to Rome is boarding at Gate 5.
  3. Passengers with small children or those who need extra help can start boarding first.
  4. The gate will close 20 minutes before the flight’s departure, which is at 3:30 PM.
  5.  The passenger’s name is Elena Rossi.

9.Sınıf 2.Dönem 1.Speaking Sınavı

Bu speaking sınavındaki sorular; “E9.6.S3.Students will be able to use the expressions to buy a flight/ bus/train.” kazanımı için hazırlanmıştır.

Bridging Cultures temalı speaking soruları ve cevapları

  1. How can I help you with your travel plans today? Answer: “I would like to buy a ticket to [destination] for [date].”
  2. When would you like to depart? Answer: “I want to depart on [date].”
  3. Would you prefer a window or an aisle seat? Answer: “I would prefer a [window/aisle] seat, please.”
  4. What time would you like to travel? Answer: “I would like to travel at [time].”
  5. Do you need a return ticket as well? Answer: “Yes, I need a return ticket for [date].” / “No, just a one-way ticket.”
  6. Are you looking for any specific class of service? Economy or business class? Answer: “I am looking for [economy/business] class.”
  7. How would you like to pay for your tickets? Answer: “I would like to pay with [cash/credit card].”
  8. Do you need any assistance with luggage or special services? Answer: “Yes, I need assistance with [luggage/special services].”
  9. How many people are traveling with you? Answer: “There are [number] people traveling with me.”
  10. Will you need any additional travel insurance? Answer: “Yes, I would like to add travel insurance.” / “No, thank you.”
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