Elegy nedir? The elements of an elegy

Elegy nedir
elegy nedir

Elegy nedir?

Elegy nedir? Elegy tanımı. Elegy örnekleri. Edebiyatta elegy kullanımı.The elements of an elegy nelerdir? İngiliz edebiyatı terimler sözlüğü sayfasına hoş geldiniz.

Elegy Nedir?

Elegy sözlük anlamı

Elegy Türkçe’ de ağıt, mersiye, ağıtlama anlamına gelmektedir.

Elegy terim anlamı

Elegy İngiliz edebiyatında genellikle ölülerin ardından yapılan cenazeler ya da anısına hitaben yazılan şiirlere verilen isimdir.


  • The Greek term elegeia originally referred to any verse written couplets that reflect the emotions such as death, love, or war.
  • The term also includes epitaphs (mezar yazıtı), sad and mournful songs, and commemorative verses.
  • Elegy tells an individual story or a loss
  • Elegy aims to express feelings rather than tell a story.
  • The elements of an elegy may reflect three stages of loss.

The elements of an elegy

  1. Lament: Here is the stage when the speaker expresses grief and sorrow,
  2. Praise: In this stage of the elegy, the poet usually expresses admiration of the loss,
  3. Consolation: It is the stage when the poet tries to make someone who is sad or disappointed feel better


The first page of Dodsley‘s illustrated edition of Gray’s Elegy with illustration by Richard Bentley

elegy örnekleri
Elegy örnekleriBy William Blake – ngFruxpdb8t29Q at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level, Public Domain,https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=22240020

In English literature, the more modern and restricted meaning, of a lament for a departed beloved or tragic event, has been current only since the sixteenth century; the broader concept was still employed by John Donne for his elegies, written in the early seventeenth century.

This looser concept is especially evident in the Old English Exeter Book (circa 1000 CE) which contains “serious meditative” and well-known poems such as “The Wanderer”, “The Seafarer”, and “The Wife’s Lament”. In these elegies, the narrators use the lyrical “I” to describe their own personal and mournful experiences.They tell the story of the individual rather than the collective lore of his or her people as epic poetry seeks to tell. For Samuel Taylor Coleridge and others, the term had come to mean “serious meditative poem”

Elegy nedir?

An elegy is a form of poetry natural to the reflective mind. It may treat any subject, but it must treat of no subject for itself, but always and exclusively with reference to the poet. As he will feel regret for the past or desire for the future, so sorrow and love became the principal themes of the elegy. Elegy presents everything as lost and gone or absent and future.

Bu terimden sonra araştırmak isteyebileceğiniz başka bir yazı > Runes nedir?

Elegy Exercises

1. Which element of the followings can not be part of an elegy?
2. What is the best definition of elegy?


İngiliz edebiyatı terimler sözlüğüne geri dön>

Credit: Wikipedia

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