8.Sınıf 2.Dönem 1.Listening – Speaking Sınavı

8.sınıf ingilizce dinleme sınavı ve cevap anahtarı
8.sınıf 2.dönem 1.dinleme ve konuşma sınavı

8.Sınıf 2.Dönem 1.Listening – Speaking Sınavı 2023-2024

Ortaokul 8.sınıf 2.dönem 1.listening ve speaking sınavı ve cevap anahtarları indirme sayfasına hoş geldiniz.

8.Sınıf 2.Dönem 1.Listening sınavı

Bu dinleme sınavındaki sorular; Adventures ünitesine ait “E8.6.L1. Students will be able to follow a discussion on adventures.” kazanımı için hazırlanmıştır.

  1. Answer the questions in your paper according to the audio about Daisy you will listen to now. (5X5=25P)

Hi, I’m Daisy, and I love adventures. Last summer, I went to the mountains. It was high and cold, but very beautiful. I like the mountains more than the beach because I love to hike. My sister, Emma, went to the beach. She likes swimming and the sun. She says the beach is better than the mountains. But I think the mountains are the best for adventures. You can see animals and walk in the forest. Next year, Emma wants to go with me to the mountains. She wants to try hiking too.

  1. Who loves adventures?
  2.  Where did Daisy go last summer?
  3. Why does Daisy prefer the mountains to the beach?
  4. What does Emma like to do?
  5. What does Emma want to try next year?

8.Sınıf 2.Dönem 1.Listening sınavı cevap anahtarı:

  1. Daisy loves adventures.
  2. Daisy went to the mountains last summer.
  3. She prefers the mountains because he loves to hike.
  4. Emma likes swimming and the sun.
  5. Emma wants to try hiking in the mountains next year.

8.Sınıf 2.Dönem 1.Speaking Sınavı

Bu konuşma sınavındaki sorular; “E8.6.SI2. Students will be able to talk about comparisons, preferences, and their reasons.” kazanımı için hazırlanmıştır.

Bu speaking sınavı için 2 farklı soru gurubu hazırladım. Birinci grup sorular adventures teması etrafında comparisons ve preferences gerektirirken, ikinci grup speaking soruları ise belirli bir tema üzerine yoğunlaşmadan sadece ünite grammar kazanımları ölçmektedir.

Adventures Temalı speaking soruları ve cevapları

  1. Do you like mountain adventures or beach holidays? Why? Answer: I like [mountain adventures/beach holidays] because…
  2. Why do you think hiking is exciting? Answer: I think hiking is exciting because…
  3. Do you prefer to see animals or go swimming on your adventures? Tell me why. Answer: On my adventures, I prefer to [see animals/go swimming] because…
  4. Is camping in the forest or staying in a hotel more fun for you? What’s the reason? Answer: For me, [camping in the forest/staying in a hotel] is more fun because…
  5. Would you rather explore caves or climb trees? Please explain why. Answer: I would rather [explore caves/climb trees] because…
  6. What do you like more, walking in the forest or walking in the city? Why? Answer: I like [walking in the forest/walking in the city] more because…
  7. Do you think a summer adventure is better than a winter adventure? Tell me why. Answer: I think a [summer/winter] adventure is better because…
  8. Which do you prefer, going on an adventure alone or with friends? Give your reason. Answer: I prefer going on an adventure [alone/with friends] because…
  9. : Is it more interesting to visit new places or familiar ones on your adventures? Why? Answer: It is more interesting to visit [new/familiar] places because…
  10. Would you like to try hiking in the mountains like Alex, or would you prefer another activity? What’s your reason? Answer: I would like to [try hiking in the mountains/prefer another activity] because…

Sadece comparison and preferences odaklı speaking soruları ve cevapları

  1. Do you like apples or oranges more? Why? Answer: I like [apples/oranges] more because…
  2. Which is better for you, reading books or watching TV? Tell me why. Answer: I think [reading books/watching TV] is better because…
  3. Is it better to walk or take a bus to school? What do you think? Answer: It is better to [walk/take a bus] because…
  4. Do you prefer hot weather or cold weather? Please tell me the reason. Answer: I prefer [hot/cold] weather because…
  5. Which do you like more, playing sports or playing video games? Why? Answer: I like [playing sports/playing video games] more because…
  6. What do you like better, math or science? Can you explain why? Answer: I like [math/science] better because…
  7. Would you rather go to the park or the library? Please give your reason. Answer: I would rather go to [the park/the library] because…
  8. Which is more fun for you, drawing pictures or writing stories? Why? Answer: I find [drawing pictures/writing stories] more fun because…
  9. Question: Do you like to eat breakfast at home or at school? Tell me why. Answer: I like to eat breakfast [at home/at school] because…
  10. : Is it better to have a big party or a small gathering with friends? What’s your reason? Answer: It is better to have a [big party/small gathering] because…
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